02500400 Gabe 4

The fourth gift consists of eight bricks, which are formed by four longitudinal cuts through the cube. These bricks were handled in the same way as the cubes of the third gift. The bricks are kept and put in order in a little box. This is a good way of keeping things in order and it is always easy to control if all bricks are united again. With this Fröbel was trying to show to the child how DIVERSITY CAN EVOLVE FROM UNITY and how DIVERSITY can be put in an order to reach UNITY once again. Through this he created a principle of a good order for boxes of bricks, which is valid up until today. This order gives the child always an overview over the material which is contained in the box and it also gives motivation to keep things in order. New variants evolve if both gifts (three and four) are combined with each other. This leads to further ways of shaping things, which motivate the child once again to new, enduring games.

Forms of recognition (examples)

Source: Handbuch der Spieltheorie Fröbel´s | Westermann-Verlag

Forms of life classical (examples)

Forms of life modern (examples)

Forms of beauty (examples)